How to Add Anti Ads Blocker Notification in Blogger Template

What is AdBlock?
AdBlock is a software tool or a browser extension that prevents online advertisements from being displayed on a user's device. It is designed to block different types of online advertising, including banner ads, pop-ups, and video ads, and may also block tracking scripts and other potentially unwanted content.

AdBlock works by analyzing the HTML code of a website and identifying the elements that contain ads, such as images, iframes, and scripts, and then hiding or removing those elements from the user's view. Some AdBlock tools also use filters to block specific ads or content from known advertising networks, which can help to improve the effectiveness of the ad blocking.

AdBlock has become increasingly popular in recent years as online advertising has become more prevalent and intrusive, with some websites using annoying or disruptive ads that can slow down page loading times and reduce the quality of the user experience. However, the use of AdBlock is controversial, as it can deprive content creators and publishers of revenue from advertising, which is often their primary source of income. Some publishers have responded by implementing anti-adblock measures or by requiring users to disable AdBlock to access their content.

What is Anti Adblock Notification?
An anti-adblock notification is a message that appears on a website when it detects that the visitor is using an ad-blocking software or extension. The message typically asks the visitor to disable their ad-blocker so that the site can display ads and generate revenue. The notification may also provide information about how the site depends on ad revenue to survive and continue to provide content for free.

Many websites rely on advertising revenue to support their operations and provide content for free. However, ad-blocking software can prevent ads from being displayed, which can reduce the revenue that the site generates. Anti-adblock notifications are one way for sites to encourage visitors to disable their ad-blockers and support the site by viewing and clicking on ads.

However, it's worth noting that anti-adblock notifications can be seen as intrusive or annoying by some users. Some visitors may choose to leave the site rather than disable their ad-blockers, which can lead to a loss of traffic and revenue. Therefore, it's important for site owners to carefully consider the impact of anti-adblock notifications and use them judiciously.

Why we need to add Anti Adblocker Script in the blog?
Adding an anti-adblocker script in your blog is a way to address the issue of users who block ads. As a blogger or website owner, you rely on ads to generate revenue to support your site and your content. When users block ads, they deprive you of this revenue and can undermine your ability to continue creating high-quality content.

By adding an anti-adblocker script, you can display a notification message to users who have an ad-blocker enabled, encouraging them to disable it or whitelist your site. This notification message can include a message explaining why ads are important to your site and how they support your content. It can also offer a way for users to easily disable their ad-blocker, making it more likely that they will see the ads on your site.

It's important to note that some users may still be able to bypass anti-adblocker scripts, and some users may choose to simply leave your site rather than disable their ad-blocker. Additionally, anti-adblocker scripts can be perceived as intrusive or annoying to some users, so it's important to use them carefully and considerately. Ultimately, the decision to use an anti-adblocker script is up to you, and should be based on your individual circumstances and goals for your site.

To add an anti-adblocker notification in your Blogger template, you can follow these steps:
1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and select the blog for which you want to add the notification.
2. Click on the "Theme" option in the left-hand menu and then click on the "Edit HTML" button.
3. Before you make any changes to the code, it's always a good idea to create a backup copy of your template.
4. Search for the <head> tag in your template and add the following code just before the closing </head> tag:

<script src=''></script>
  window.onload = function() {
    if (typeof crate !== "undefined") {
      var blockerNotification = crate.notification({
        type: 'warning',
        dismissable: true,
        title: 'Ad Blocker Detected',
        message: 'Please disable your ad blocker to support us.',
        button: {
          text: 'Disable Adblocker',
          url: '#',
        onButtonClick: function() {
          // This is where you can add the code to disable ad blocker
5. Save your template.
This code uses the Crate widget library to display a notification message to users who have an ad blocker enabled. The notification includes a message asking the user to disable their ad blocker to support your site, as well as a button that the user can click to disable the ad blocker. You will need to add your own code to the onButtonClick function to actually disable the ad blocker.

Note: that some users may still be able to bypass this notification or continue to use an ad blocker despite the notification. Additionally, anti-adblocker notifications can be intrusive and annoying to users, so use them carefully and considerately.

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